By Bar Zohar Michael and Shael Nissim (Author)

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The police officer who received the phone call on the night of June 12, 2014 ignored it, assuming it was a hoax. Only later did it become clear that three boys, students at yeshiva in Gush Etzion, had indeed disappeared while trying to catch a ride on their way home." From here the road to "Tzuk Eitan" was short. "When the message arrived - 'Thirty seconds more on Al-Mukhtar Street' - a corps commander was sitting The airman, Amir Eshel, was alert and ready at his position in the hole in Kariya, and at 3:55 p.m. he gave the order: 'Kill the son...!'" The death of Ahmed Jabari, the Hamas Chief of Staff, opened Operation "Pillar of Cloud" ( 2012) "The security guards of the leaders of the Black September were suspicious of two girls who were standing on the sidewalk. One of the security guards approached them. Suddenly the two pulled out tiny submachine guns and opened fire at him. The 'two girls' were the commander of a general patrol, Ehud Barak, in a tight black dress and a full bra Rimonim, and Amiram Levin, later a general in the IDF." (1973) "Abu Jihad began writing a letter to the leaders of the Intifada in Israel. A muffled noise from outside startled him and he took his gun and headed for the door. In front of him stood people with masks and weapons drawn." (1988) "At 4:00 am the navy soldiers emerged from the sea and the air onto the deck of 'Karin Eye'. They surprised the crew members and did not fire a single bullet. In the forward warehouses they discovered 64 tons of weapons intended for terrorists in Gaza." (2002)

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