In Adolina 2 Return of the Queen / Nitzan Gabi "I'm alone here in Central Park, and out of nowhere this squirrel appears to him, all his arsenal of affections, nose scratching and tail jumping, and I knew he came to melt me, to make me think that the world is a real place after all Mami Hamudi Kushkushon. And all I felt was that I don't know who exactly runs this park called our lives, but if he thinks he can balance all the coldness in our souls with the help of a flattering fur goshon, I am offended on behalf of all humanity." Ten years after the Badolini book swept away a huge crowd of readers and fans, Gabi Nitzan returns with a new Badolini book. What does someone who wants to be king, but feels like his carpet do? What happens when you miss the queen of Adolina and all you get is a fake saxophonist, a squirrel and one gypsy woman? In Badulina we understood that there are only two ways to live in the world: as a king or as a victim. In the return of the queen, we understand that there is no single moment of coronation. This choice has to be made every day anew. today also. This is Gabi Nitzan's fourth book. His previous books are Badolina, Pra and Duty Free. These days he is working on establishing a global badolina kingdom.