Captain Underpants 5 and Mrs. Gaelic Elasticity / Philky Dove This time George and Harold really went overboard... they created the Gaelic Elasticity Lady! With the help of terrible robots and a horrible haircut, she sets out to take over the world. The only person who can stop her is Captain Underpants, but she also uses a secret and sophisticated weapon against him. For the first time in his life, the captain's underwear is in danger, and so is the whole world! "After the children of Israel passed the geek's diary test, the time has come for a new hero in the same genre. And the new hero who flew all the way to Israel is called Captain Underpants. I have to do it. Because of such a happy book, even little krioa refusers will long to learn to read, and quickly." Atara Ofek, Marmelda