By Hannah Goldberg (Author)
What fun it is to have a lot of friends,
a lot of friends in all kinds of colors -
brown, orange, black and white,
what fun it is to have such friends...
The children's anthem for welcoming the other, 'Friends in all kinds of colors',
Becomes a children's book in a new and fresh version with additions
in the spirit of the time .
Hanna Goldberg, the beloved children's poet and author,
winner of the Acomm Lifetime Achievement Award, wrote many children's books,
including: 'Pink Tears', 'Kishta', 'If I Were a Lion' and more...
Aviyel Basil Iyer over fifty children's books. Won a commendation
on behalf of the Israel Museum of Illustration for a children's book named after Ben-Yitzhak -
'Og Melech Bashan' by Natan Alterman.