By Nachman Bialik Haim (Author)

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The flower for a butterfly, a swing, a nest for a bird, a horse run... The poet Haim Nachman Bialik wrote some of the most well-known and beloved children's songs in the Hebrew language. Generations of parents and children have sung these songs with great pleasure, and continue to sing them to this day even after they have grown up and become grandparents and parents themselves. We are happy to present to you a Mangan and Sing book, in which we have specially collected for you ten children's songs by Bialik in new arrangements, and we invite you to flip through the pages, sing them together and enjoy shared moments of happiness. The songs are accompanied by Shirley Wiseman's colorful and beautiful illustrations, which add nostalgic charm and humor to them. Haim Nachman Bialik was one of the greatest Hebrew poets. He greatly influenced modern Israeli culture and was awarded the title of "Israel's National Poet". He lived most of his adult life in the city of Odessa in Ukraine, where he also created the bulk of his literary work in the Hebrew language. In 1924, Bialik immigrated to Israel and lived in Tel Aviv until his death ten years later. Many of his children's songs were composed and sung by the best composers and singers in Israel. The Children's Sounds series is a series of musical books, with the help of which the new generation of our children will get to know the classic childhood songs of the great Israeli poets and musicians in a contemporary and eye-catching format.

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