Along with songs and works for children, Leah Goldberg regularly published, since she was sixteen, lists and articles in newspapers and magazines. The lists included book and theater reviews, impressions from her travels in Israel and abroad, general thoughts on morality, psychology and literature, comments on current events and more. During her residence in Tel-Aviv (1935-1954) she made a living by writing lists (sometimes two-three times a week) mainly in "Davar" and "Ba'al Hamishmer". Some of them she called a "literary diary" - feelings and reflections that arose in her as a response to current literary and cultural events or Dumas' affairs. This book, the second in the "Literary Diary" volume series, presents readers with a comprehensive selection of Leah Goldberg's notes in the years 1942-1946. These years are years of transition: from the height of the World War and the Holocaust to the completion of the fighting on European soil; From the establishment of the UN and the new global arrangements to the establishment of the inter-block struggle, but still before the worsening of the Yishuv's struggle for independence. The lists given here reveal the poet's solid and original views on a variety of subjects, including what is happening in Israel and the world, and share with the readers her fine taste and her vast knowledge. The book was edited by Hamotel Bar-Yosef - poet, translator and literary scholar, and Gideon Tykotsky, literary scholar and editor.