Welcome back to their kingdom...
Cole Covington is the school's most famous heartbreaker.
Every guy wants to be like him and every girl wants to sleep with him.
But me.
The devastating look, golden arm and flirtatious smiles do notI have it more... because I know what lurks under the armor of the hot football star.
At least I thought I knew.
Sometimes the most beautiful people... hide ugly truths like no other within themselves.
And sometimes the only way to save someone...
is to walk with them into hell.
Sawyer Church is the righteous nerd of Royal Hearts Academy.
Girls bully her and boys don't notice her existence.
But me.
Prickly, shiny and full of charms - it is impossible to ignore her.
No matter how hard I try.
Everyone at school labeled her as the unstylish, chubby girl who burned on Jesus but unlike them - Sawyer is a real woman who doesn't pretend to be someone else.
Until I ask her to be my fake girlfriend.
Sometimes the most beautiful souls... are the ones who are in unbearable pain.
And sometimes the only way to save someone...
is to fight for them.