Life sent me sunshine. Endless suns. Some warmed me. Some burned. Some blinded me. Some of them flooded me with great light. I put every such sun in a jar and kept it close to me, to comfort them on salty days. I have zeroed in on my most beautiful moments - that I can branch out like a memory junkie. My fleeting loves, and the one that remains. The echo of my parents' laughter - when they were still laughing with a loud voice that shook the walls of the house. The tears that we shed from the pits of my life - that I remember where I climbed from. I reset the look of my unborn child. And now, I invite you to reach out, take a jar, open it, throw yourself into one moment in my life, and from there, be taken to one moment in your life as well. Noam Horev, 38 years old, writer and creator, winner of the Akum Awards. He has signed hundreds of songs for the best artists ("Little Gifts"). Author of the children's bestsellers "Ziona Has One Wing" and "The Fingerprint of Eyal". The collection of excerpts His first, the bestseller "Draft of Happiness", entered hundreds of thousands of homes and hearts. "Sun in a jar" is a second collection of pieces he published, alongside new pieces.