By Knots (Author)

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Match the things and match the cards. A game for developing the ability to link and belong, contributes to improving the ability to observe the image and the ability to match and to strengthen the visual memory. In the game there are 24 cards that make up 12 pairs of connections. On one card there is a picture and on the other card there is another picture that belongs and corresponds to it. The child must connect the two pictures and understand 'what goes with what' for example: on one card there is a picture of an egg and on the other a picture of a chick - the child must make the logical connection between the two pictures and connect them. During the game, the child will learn the contexts in the following pairs: funnel - pot, hat - woolen threads, keys - door, toothpaste - toothbrush, boots - puddle, drums - percussion sticks, egg - chick, nails - hammer, paints - easel, Cart - doll, soup - spoon, tennis ball - racket. how do you play? Matching game: Arrange the cards face down in a pile. Each participant is given two cards. Each player in turn picks up a card from the pile and checks if it matches one of the cards in his hand. If the two cards complement each other, he places them next to him and proceeds to another turn. If the cards do not match, he returns the card to the bottom of the pile, and the turn goes to the next participant. Another option: a competitive memory game: Shuffle the cards and place them side by side face down. Each participant in turn turns over two cards and shows them to everyone. If they match, he places them next to him and turns over two more cards. If the cards do not match, he returns them upside down and the turn goes to the next participant. what's in the box 20 cards making up 10 pairs Age: 2-5

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