By Osenheim Amri (Author)

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The victims of the trauma of the Matkal patrol / Asenheim Amri The whole truth about the disaster that shook the Matkal patrol and almost wiped out the Matkal "We are going to kidnap today," predicted the head of the Special Operations Unit of AMAN, Col. Danny Arditi, On the morning of November 5, 1992. An hour and a quarter later, Arditi, the head of the military, Major General Uri Sagi, and Major General Amiram Levin were immersed in a desperate attempt to stop the bleeding of the wounded in the area of ??fire in Tzalim. Around them lay the five corpses of the soldiers of the Defense Forces patrol, who were accidentally killed from a missile strike during a secret exercise designed to simulate the assassination of Saddam Hussein. While the generals tore off their shirts and made tourniquets out of them, Chief of Staff Ehud Barak stood on the hill and managed the rescue on his cell phone, with folded hands. This is how the Tzalim II disaster, the most famous training accident in the country's history, is etched in Israeli memory. An accident in which the IDF lost Not only five of his best soldiers, but also the trust in the judgment of the high command, in the brotherhood of the fighters, in the credibility of the investigation, in the necessity of the sacrifice. 20 years later, Omri Essenheim returns to all those involved in the case, opens the boxes of evidence and the stored protocols, and reveals for the first time the whole truth about Tzalim B: How did Chief of Staff Ehud Barak lead an unprecedented decision to eliminate the ruler of Iraq? Why did IDF chief Uri Sagi oppose it? What was the source of the fatal mistake that led to the firing of the missiles? How did the top brass of the IDF survive the direct hit That morning? Why was all the blame placed on Major Doron Kempel, the "commander of the operation" and on Captain Dror, the commander of the launching team? Why did Major General Amiram Levin cry? Why did the interrogators at the Mitzhak change their testimonies? Did Barak really run away? How did the accident change the course of life of everyone involved? And above all, are the lives of the sons of "every Hebrew mother" really entrusted to commanders who deserve it?

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