Seven stories with an ending in the spirit of punchline and punchline stories, an intriguing, fascinating and magnetic genre, which is not published enough recently. Juicy surprise stories, full of humor and exciting, rich in conceptual and linguistic fireworks, which are x-rays of the institution of marriage, of the eternal battle of the sexes, of the nature of the human and less human animal. The plots are interspersed with insights into the rules of life and are told from the point of view of someone who has taken part in countless dramas produced by the ancient institution, which is difficult without it but sometimes difficult with it. Each story takes off towards a surprising climax of amazement, laughter and excitement. And above the multi-layered stories hovers a caressing spirit of caring and marital and family camaraderie. Benny Don-Yahia is one of the top lawyers in Israel who has been involved in family and inheritance law for decades. This is his tenth book. After all, you are renewed for me, joining the author's two previous surprise couple story files, in the best families and the theory of relationships.